The Popular Agile Methodology Frameworks

agile methology Sep 29, 2023

Let's dive into some of the popular Agile frameworks to help you understand how they work.


Making Software Development Efficient Scrum is one of the most popular Agile frameworks. It gives a structured approach to software development, with roles like Project Manager, Scrum Master (often the Team Lead), and the Development Team. Work is done in repeated timeframes called "Sprints," usually lasting 2-4 weeks, depending on the setup. The general workflow includes planning, building, testing, and reviewing within one Sprint cycle.


Boosting Efficiency with Visual Management Kanban is a visual method of managing work, focusing on displaying work stages and improving efficiency. Tasks are shown on a Kanban board and move from one column to another as progress is made. Unlike Scrum's fixed timeframes, Kanban has no specific time limits. This method gives a clear overview of tasks, including work in progress, pending tasks, to-dos, and completed items.

Extreme Programming (XP):

Technical Excellence and Customer Collaboration XP is an Agile framework that puts emphasis on technical excellence and involving customers. It includes practices like pair programming, test-driven development (TDD), continuous integration, and regular deployments. XP aims to enhance software quality and responsiveness to changing requirements.


Reducing Waste in the Production Process Lean is a method developed during the industrial era, focusing on minimizing waste at each production stage. It has similarities to Agile in terms of workflow, but the Agile approach is more team-focused and tailored for tech companies.

Feature Driven Development (FDD):

Breaking Down Projects FDD focuses on breaking down projects into smaller, manageable features or scopes of work. This is especially suitable for large-scale and complex software development. FDD stands out with its focus on domain model development, iterative development, and well-defined processes for feature development.

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM):

Delivering High-Quality Software DSDM is a framework for software development and data system delivery. It focuses on core principles and practices that enable teams to deliver high-quality software on time and within budget. It's often used in large organizations and government projects.

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe):

Scaling Agile for Large Organizations SAFe is a comprehensive framework for scaling and implementing Agile practices in large organizations. It provides a structured approach to help organizations adopt Agile methodologies, achieve alignment, collaboration, and delivery at multiple team and organizational levels.

This overview of various Agile methodologies provides a starting point for understanding how they can benefit your team or organization. Choosing the right framework is crucial, as it depends on the nature of your project and your team's dynamics. Dive deeper into the one that resonates with you, and explore how Agile can revolutionize your work approach. Happy Agile journey!

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