Ideas for Digital Transformation that the organization should know

Digital transformation Jan 24, 2024

Last time we discussed digital transformation. In terms of the benefits that the organization will receive, the organization must understand and prepare before proceeding, which has 3 parts.

3 important things before digital transformation Organizations need to know


Communication within the company is essential for cultivating an open mindset and embracing digitalization and new ways of working. and the identical understanding that strategies will be adopted for the company. What form will it require? And what technology is being used to match the current business plan? This strategic planning must be done step by step. There is also short-term and long-term planning to achieve the goals of the newly created business.


The company must have an organized strategy for change, including what its goals are. So, what are the steps? Because incomplete process changes can lead to outcomes that are worse than before. Even though the costs are going to be lower.


The readiness of the business's various electronic devices for digital transformation. produce satisfactory and efficient results, such as Mobile applications, Web applications, and AI machine learning. Sometimes just developing a system, website, or app can solve some problems. However, in reality, the organization must have specific goals. Know your users well and understand the organization's work processes. As a result, let's select or find tools that are suitable for use in the business again.

CODEMONDAY is an expert at developing and designing Web Apps that suit your requirements. You have the opportunity to consult with us about how to most effectively satisfy the requirements of your business.

Read More: Digital Transformation It is the core of the enterprise.

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