Front End Developer a position in the developer field that is necessary for completing multiple projects.

front-end developer May 8, 2024

The previous article mentioned the position of Software Developer. This line of work is divided into many sub-positions, such as Front End Developer, Back End Developer, Full Stack Developer, and DevOps Engineer. Many people question what duty each position entails. How is it different?

This article will discuss Front-End Developers. It is a position in the developer field that is necessary for completing multiple projects. Responsible for developing the website's home page and user interface.

What are the tasks of a front-end developer?

  1. Developing a user-friendly structure and interface By converting UX/UI Designers' work into code formats such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  2. Create a website or application responsive. Ensure the website or application can be utilized on smartphones, tablets, and computers.
  3. Connecting to APIs: Reaching data from external sources, such as RESTful APIs or GraphQL.
  4. Developing and implementing code to protect against web attacks such as CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery), XSS (Cross-Site Scripting), and others.
  5. Code testing and improvement (Unit Testing) to ensure that the website or application functions properly and efficiently.

Technical Skills Needed for Front-End Developers

  • Using front-end languages, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Knowledge of effective frameworks for developing and managing the structure of websites or applications, such as React.js, Angular, and Vue.js
  • Using tools to manage projects and code such as Git for code management, IDEs like Visual Studio Code, and in-browser DevTools for debugging and improvement.

If any company requires a Front-end Developer, reach out to CODEMONDAY. We offer over 50 IT outsourcing services and have expertise in every teaching stack, ensuring work that international standards. There are short-term and long-term contracts. ready to start work immediately. To finish your project on time.

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