AWS Jul 3, 2024

On June 28, 2024, Our director of CODEMONDAY was invited and joined an exclusive event at AWS Singapore office, Capital Square SG, guided by AWS Account Manager.

We’re so excited to dive into today’s visit. We met friends from multiple firms and shared diversity, innovation, and endless possibilities with everyone. It allows us to better understand our client's needs and deliver solutions that are truly global in scope.

Big thanks for being invited to this event from AWS. We are the world's biggest AWS Cloud Computing partner. Clients can be convinced that the work they receive will satisfy global standards.

CODEMONDAY - Web App | Mobile App | Digital & IT Solution and Software Development Company
Realize your idea and ship it online. web application, website, mobile, Digital & IT Solution, desktop applications, e-commerce. Want your business to shine in the digital world? We are here to help.
CODEMONDAY services and worksแ



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